- class grss.libgrss.Event#
The Event class contains the properties of an impulsive or continuous event. Impulsive events are instantaneous changes in the velocity of the body. Continuous events are an exponentially decaying acceleration acting on the body.
- __init__(self: grss.libgrss.Event) None #
Name of the body the event is acting on.
Delta-V vector of the event.
Flag for whether to estimate the delta-V of the event.
Flag for whether to estimate anything for the event.
Initial acceleration vector for the continuous event.
Flag for whether to estimate the initial acceleration of the continuous event.
Whether the event is a continuous event.
Multiplier of the event.
Flag for whether to estimate the multiplier of the event.
Time of the event (MJD TDB).
Time constant for the exponential decay of the continuous event.
Flag for whether to estimate the time constant of the continuous event.
- property bodyName#
Name of the body the event is acting on. Throws an error if the body is not found in the simulation.
- property deltaV#
Delta-V vector of the event.
- property deltaVEst#
Flag for whether to estimate the delta-V of the event. False by default.
- property eventEst#
Flag for whether to estimate anything for the event. False by default.
- property expAccel0#
Initial acceleration vector for the continuous event.
- property expAccel0Est#
Flag for whether to estimate the initial acceleration of the continuous event. False by default.
- property isContinuous#
Whether the event is a continuous event. False by default.
- property multiplier#
Multiplier of the event. For impulsive events, this is a scalar multiplier for the delta-V vector. Not used for continuous events.
- property multiplierEst#
Flag for whether to estimate the multiplier of the event. False by default.
- property t#
Time of the event (MJD TDB).
- property tau#
Time constant for the exponential decay of the continuous event.
- property tauEst#
Flag for whether to estimate the time constant of the continuous event. False by default.