- class grss.libgrss.PropSimulation#
The PropSimulation class contains the orbit propagation simulation for intgrating solar system small bodies.
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)#
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation, name: str, t0: float, defaultSpiceBodies: int, DEkernelPath: str) -> None
Constructor for the PropSimulation class.
- namestr
Name of the simulation.
- t0real
Initial MJD TDB time of the simulation.
- defaultSpiceBodiesint
Version of the DE kernel to get the default SPICE bodies from.
- DEkernelPathstr
Path to the SPICE DE kernel.
__init__(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation, name: str, simRef: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation) -> None
Constructor for the PropSimulation class.
- namestr
Name of the simulation.
- simRefPropSimulation
Simulation to copy.
(*args, **kwargs)Overloaded function.
(self, event)Adds an event to the simulation.
(self, body)Adds an integration body to the simulation.
(self, body)Adds a SPICE body to the simulation.
(self, tf[, tEvalNew, observerInfoNew])Extends the simulation to a new final time.
Gets the integration parameters.
(self)Gets the constants of the simulation.
(self, t, bodyName)Gets the state of a SPICE body at a given time.
(self)Propagates the simulation using the Gauss-Radau integrator.
(self, t)Interpolates the states of the integrated bodies to a given time.
(self)Memory maps the ephemeris of the simulation.
(self, name)Removes a body from the simulation.
(self, filename[, onlyMachineData])Saves the simulation to a file.
(self, tf[, ...])Sets the integration parameters.
(self[, du2m, tu2s, G, clight])Sets the constants of the simulation.
(self)Unmaps the ephemeris of the simulation.
Path to the SPICE DE kernel.
Close approach parameters of the simulation.
Constants of the simulation.
Whether to use converged Newtonian light time correction.
Whether to evaluate the apparent state of the integration bodies.
Whether to evaluate the measurements of the integration bodies.
Impact parameters of the simulation.
Integration bodies of the simulation.
Integration parameters of the simulation.
Interpolation parameters of the simulation.
Light time from the observer to each integration body for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
Name of the simulation.
Observation type for each value in PropSimulation.tEval (0=optical, 1=delay, 2=doppler, 3=Gaia).
Observer information for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
Optical observation of each integration body in the simulation for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
Photocenter-barycenter correction for each optical observation for each integration body in the simulation.
Time derivative of the optical observation of each integration body in the simulation for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
Optical observation partials of each integration body in the simulation for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
Radar observation of each integration body in the simulation for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
Radar observation partials of each integration body in the simulation for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
SPICE bodies of the simulation.
Current time of the simulation.
MJD Times to evaluate the states of the integrated bodies at.
Margin for allowing evaluation past the propagation start and end times.
Whether the MJD evaluation time is in UTC for each value in PropSimulation.tEval, as opposed to TDB.
Whether to use unsafe persistent memory mapping for the simulation.
Current states of each integration body in the simulation.
States of each integration body in the simulation for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
State of the observer for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
- property DEkernelPath#
Path to the SPICE DE kernel.
- add_event(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation, event: grss.libgrss.Event) None #
Adds an event to the simulation.
- Parameters:
event (libgrss.Event) – Event to add to the simulation.
- add_integ_body(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation, body: grss.libgrss.IntegBody) None #
Adds an integration body to the simulation.
- Parameters:
body (libgrss.IntegBody) – Integration body to add to the simulation.
- add_spice_body(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation, body: grss.libgrss.SpiceBody) None #
Adds a SPICE body to the simulation.
- Parameters:
body (libgrss.SpiceBody) – SPICE body to add to the simulation.
- property caParams#
Close approach parameters of the simulation. List of libgrss.CloseApproachParameters objects.
- property consts#
Constants of the simulation. libgrss.Constants object.
- property convergedLightTime#
Whether to use converged Newtonian light time correction.
- property evalApparentState#
Whether to evaluate the apparent state of the integration bodies.
- property evalMeasurements#
Whether to evaluate the measurements of the integration bodies.
- extend(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation, tf: float, tEvalNew: list[float] = [], observerInfoNew: list[list[float]] = []) None #
Extends the simulation to a new final time.
- Parameters:
tf (real) – New final time of integration (MJD TDB).
tEvalNew (list of real) – Extra MJD Times to evaluate the states of the integrated bodies at. Can be TDB or UTC based on tEvalUTC.
observerInfoNew (list of list of real) – New observer information. Each list at least contains the central body SPICE ID (e.g., 399 for Earth) and the body-fixed longitude, latitude, and distance. This information should be repeated for radar observations.
- get_integration_parameters(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation) list[float] #
Gets the integration parameters.
- Returns:
nInteg (int) – Number of integrated bodies.
nSpice (int) – Number of bodies with SPICE ephemerides.
nTotal (int) – Total number of bodies. nTotal = nInteg + nSpice.
t0 (real) – Initial time of integration (MJD TDB).
tf (real) – Final time of integration (MJD TDB).
adaptiveTimestep (bool) – Flag to use adaptive time step for the propagation.
dt0 (real) – Initial time step.
dtMin (real) – Minimum time step.
dtChangeFactor (real) – Factor by which to limit the change in time step.
tolInteg (real) – Tolerance for integration.
tolPC (real) – Tolerance for predictor-corrector within IAS15.
- get_sim_constants(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation) list[float] #
Gets the constants of the simulation.
- Returns:
du2m (real) – Conversion factor from distance units to meters.
tu2s (real) – Conversion factor from time units to seconds.
G (real) – Gravitational constant.
clight (real) – Speed of light in a vacuum.
j2000Jd (real) – Julian date of J2000 epoch.
JdMinusMjd (real) – Difference between Julian date and modified Julian date.
- get_spiceBody_state(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation, t: float, bodyName: str) list[float] #
Gets the state of a SPICE body at a given time.
- Parameters:
t (real) – Time to get the state at.
bodyName (str) – Name of the SPICE body in the simulation.
- property impactParams#
Impact parameters of the simulation. List of libgrss.ImpactParameters objects.
- property integBodies#
Integration bodies of the simulation. List of libgrss.IntegBody objects.
- property integParams#
Integration parameters of the simulation. libgrss.IntegParams object.
- integrate(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation) None #
Propagates the simulation using the Gauss-Radau integrator.
- property interpParams#
Interpolation parameters of the simulation. libgrss.InterpolationParameters object.
- interpolate(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation, t: float) list[float] #
Interpolates the states of the integrated bodies to a given time.
- Parameters:
t (real) – Time to interpolate to.
- Returns:
xIntegInterp – Interpolated GEOMETRIC states of the integrated bodies.
- Return type:
list of real
- property lightTimeEval#
Light time from the observer to each integration body for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
- map_ephemeris(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation) None #
Memory maps the ephemeris of the simulation.
- Returns:
None – None.
- Return type:
- property name#
Name of the simulation.
- property obsType#
Observation type for each value in PropSimulation.tEval (0=optical, 1=delay, 2=doppler, 3=Gaia).
- property observerInfo#
Observer information for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
- property opticalObs#
Optical observation of each integration body in the simulation for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
- property opticalObsCorr#
Photocenter-barycenter correction for each optical observation for each integration body in the simulation.
- property opticalObsDot#
Time derivative of the optical observation of each integration body in the simulation for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
- property opticalPartials#
Optical observation partials of each integration body in the simulation for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
- property radarObs#
Radar observation of each integration body in the simulation for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
- property radarPartials#
Radar observation partials of each integration body in the simulation for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
- remove_body(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation, name: str) None #
Removes a body from the simulation.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the body to remove.
- save(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation, filename: str, onlyMachineData: bool = False) None #
Saves the simulation to a file.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – Name of the file to save the simulation to.
- set_integration_parameters(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation, tf: float, tEval: list[float] = [], tEvalUTC: bool = False, evalApparentState: bool = False, convergedLightTime: bool = False, observerInfo: list[list[float]] = [], adaptiveTimestep: bool = True, dt0: float = 1.0, dtMin: float = 0.0001, dtChangeFactor: float = 0.25, tolInteg: float = 1e-11, tolPC: float = 1e-16) None #
Sets the integration parameters.
- Parameters:
tf (real) – Final time of integration (MJD TDB).
tEval (list of real) – MJD Times to evaluate the states of the integrated bodies at. Can be TDB or UTC based on tEvalUTC.
tEvalUTC (bool) – Whether the MJD evaluation time is in UTC for each value in libgrss.tEval, as opposed to TDB.
evalApparentState (bool) – Whether to evaluate the apparent state of the integration bodies.
convergedLightTimes (bool) – Whether to use converged Newtonian light time correction.
observerInfo (list of list of real) – Observer information. Each list at least contains the central body SPICE ID (e.g., 399 for Earth) and the body-fixed longitude, latitude, and distance. This information should be repeated for radar observations.
adaptiveTimestep (bool) – Flag to use adaptive time step for the propagation.
dt0 (real) – Initial time step.
dtMin (real) – Minimum time step.
dtChangeFactor (real) – Factor by which to limit the change in time step.
tolInteg (real) – Tolerance for integration.
tolPC (real) – Tolerance for predictor-corrector within IAS15.
- set_sim_constants(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation, du2m: float = 149597870700.0, tu2s: float = 86400.0, G: float = 1.4881851702345195e-34, clight: float = 173.14463267424034) None #
Sets the constants of the simulation.
- Parameters:
du2m (real) – Conversion factor from distance units to meters.
tu2s (real) – Conversion factor from time units to seconds.
G (real) – Gravitational constant.
clight (real) – Speed of light in a vacuum.
- property spiceBodies#
SPICE bodies of the simulation. List of libgrss.SpiceBodies objects.
- property t#
Current time of the simulation.
- property tEval#
MJD Times to evaluate the states of the integrated bodies at. Can be TDB or UTC based on PropSimulation.tEvalUTC.
- property tEvalMargin#
Margin for allowing evaluation past the propagation start and end times.
- property tEvalUTC#
Whether the MJD evaluation time is in UTC for each value in PropSimulation.tEval, as opposed to TDB.
- unmap_ephemeris(self: grss.libgrss.PropSimulation) None #
Unmaps the ephemeris of the simulation.
- Returns:
None – None.
- Return type:
- property unsafePersistentMemoryMap#
Whether to use unsafe persistent memory mapping for the simulation.
- property xInteg#
Current states of each integration body in the simulation.
- property xIntegEval#
States of each integration body in the simulation for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.
- property xObserver#
State of the observer for each value in PropSimulation.tEval.